Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Not To Cool For School

This week I am facilitating a lesson at my old high school and the project my kids are working on is a slab self portrait project and are required to use a picture of their face and elements of things that interest them.  This is the first time that I have touched clay and done something really artsy with it since october, and its also my first time doing something like this at a high school.  Its been a very interesting experience and I'm curious to see what my last few days bring.

This is my self portrait plate. Turned myself into a sugar skull, the brain represents what pours out of my head while I'm working and what parts of my mind that I access while doing these things.  The back is going to have fused skull elements. I can't wait.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Phase 1 Of Sea Spread

I don't collage a lot, and I always tend to over think when I'm making art work, so I just went at this for a few hours ripping strips and cutting things out. I have a few more things I need/want to add.

Dear interior design magazine,

Thanks for letting me tear you apart.

Love, Yours Truly

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Some of you may have already seen these, but for the rest of you, I FINALLY started painting some of the russian nesting doll pendants that I made MONTHS ago.  I'm trying to not be so lazy and uninspired.  The 9th annual NHIA Minumental helped me kick start finishing these.  I almost didn't submit to the show this year, but I'm very glad I did, regardless if my pieces sell.  I am happy that I told myself I was going to do this, and did.  I wish I had clear sealant spray and not matte because these would look much better if they were a bit shinier.  Next time. Enjoy!